Swati Gupta

Swati Gupta : Director of Smart Solutions MCS , Co- Founder Of Ahibaran Group

Something About You:
I am a self-starter with strong interpersonal skills. My Strengths are: I am self-motivated, hardworking, a quick learner, and a good team player.I seek new challenges and try to think out-of-the-box while looking for creative solutions to a given problem.

Your Journey so far:
M. Tech and Some Foreign Universities Diplomas & Courses with over 18 years of versatile work experience of Teaching in Engineering Colleges, Management Consultant, Administration, Health Coach, Career Coach, Online Educator, Public Speaking and Creative Writing Expert, Talent Management, etc.

I am a Co-Founder of Ahibaran Group and Director of Smart Solutions MCS Consultancy Firm since 2009.

Also associated with various NGOs, E- Magazine and Social Welfare Activities.

I am also working as District Secretary in One of the BJP wings of Maharashtra and Vice-President of Baranwal Ekta Mahila Samiti, Mumbai.
Swati Gupta

What you like most about your profession?
I like that a major part of the profession and job is to advise and help major organizations and people in their important management functions.

This was one of the four reasons I selected management consulting as a long-term profession after leaving engineering. Consulting:
(1) supported many of my interests and strengths, including analysis, writing, organization, presentation, numbers and business;
(2) involved helping organizations and people
(3) had flexibility to support working for various size consulting firms; and
(4) was reasonably prestigious and offered a good income.

Challenges in Life:
Working women face various challenges regarding work-family balance due to societal, cultural, family, and gender norms. Some tips to overcome the challenges:

Prioritize “me time”
Try to find a job you love
Set boundaries
Take a time out
Ask for help
Swati Gupta

How do you manage work and life?
Effective time management, stress management, keeping husbands and family members happy, sustainable management of professional and personal lives, and listing out priorities are useful techniques women adopt to integrate work-family commitments. The findings provide potential solutions for women to effectively manage work-family responsibilities in a patriarchal societal context.

Your wish for perfect woman.
A Perfect Women’s Magazine should entertain and educate readers, help create and sustain positive influences and environment, and provide a unique glimpse into women’s and commercial culture.

Your message for readers.
You are a woman of beauty, strength and brilliance. A woman who never gives up on her dreams and keeps fighting till achieving them.

Take your life as a journey rather than a competition. Try not to outshine people, but rather yourself. Trust me; this will help you shine even more brightly.

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