Anindgita Dasgupta

She is proud of everything she did, packed with skills & incredibly insightful… She is Anindgita Dasgupta..

Anindgita Dasgupta, an arts graduate, wife and mother, embarked on a journey to redefine cinema with socially conscious narratives. Anindgita Dasgupta exemplifies the transformative power of cinema in shaping society ‘s narrative. She is in the entertainment industry to create a niche as a writer, director socially responsible yet entertaining cinemas. Her Debut film “Bandh” featuring stalwart actors (Soumitra Chatterjee, Kharaj Mukherjee, Debdut Ghosh etc) from Bengal film industry marked the beginning of her ascent in the industry. Her bilingual web series Kuch Kuch film Jaisi (2022) has caused positive ripples around the world across film festivals. This web series was screened internationally at Paris, Sweden, Bali etc and has earned 143 awards, nomination, official selection, honourable mentions as on date from festivals of India, France, America, Sweden, Italy, Brazil, London, Singapore, Hollywood, Berlin, Toronto, Hong Kong etc. for effectively addressing societal issues while entertaining audience. Anindgita’s contributions extend beyond accolades. She challenges stereotypes in the film industry, prioritizing substance over showmanship. Her vision for the future involves leveraging cinema to catalyse positive societal change, inspiring individuals to embrace transformation. Despite facing misconceptions, Anindgita Dasgupta remains steafast in her commitment to integrity and authencity.
Anindgita Dasgupta

Tell us something about your Childhood

Mostly our Childhood is best part of our life till now though I lost my father Late Paritosh Banerjee at a very early age, my mother Amita Banerjee single handedly brought up me and my elder brother Anirban Banerjee up to who we are today. My best part of childhood was my dreams. I dreamt a lot, and still work diligently for that even now. I usually studied 17/18 hrs every day, I aimed to be ranked 1st at class, my dream though never got fulfilled other than one time in class 2, still I never left my dream, and kept on with my efforts diligently. I kept trying year after year to self-motivate myself. Another thing I miss today, in childhood there were my friends may be our mindsets did not match always but they never turn into enemies or had any acrimony, which in professional life I earn a lot of just out the jealousy that many feel against me for no valid reasons. Not only that, their enmity extends and is so motivated that they go to the extent of recruiting others to harm me whereas in childhood if there was any misunderstanding between us friends’ other friends, family members would step forward to sort it out easily. I miss those simple days.

How do you describe Anindgita Dasgupta (Your Past, Present and Future )

Past- Ethical, Honest, Hardworking, idealistic

Present –Ethical, Honest, Hardworking, Idealistic, believe in spiritualism, karma, Believe in God.

Future –Who knows their future other than God?

Are you a feminist?

No. I am a Humanitarian. Feminists will mostly fight for equality with men, but in my opinion females in any species of life form are more powerful than males which in case of unfortunately men can’t digest and they (mostly, not all) try to dominate women out of a sense of insecurity.

If women are equal to men, men will be able to be chauvinistic and not compete them, but when they try to dominate women (some of men), harm women it only means that they feel threatened from the power of women. So, there is no question of equality, we give birth to men, how can we be equal to those who we give birth to? When men become capable to give birth to a child, bearing the pain of childbirth then question of equality may arise. But yes, in the name of feminist I never support women’s exploitation over men. What is wrong that remains as wrong, it should not be gender specific. If women are wrong means they are wrong, if a man is wrong then he is wrong. There is no need to give it a name of feminism to make a wrong to right.

Define Success

Success means what I want to do finally I can do it and achieve the desired goal. That is success for me. When I want to create something and finally, I make it, that is my success. If it gets recognition and awards then people think that I am successful although I personally feel success is self-defined.

Tell us something about your current project.

Currently I am working on the sequel of Kuch kuch film jaisi. I am also working on a talk show and another Project -Fas gaya re nachitt Miya! This project will be for an international audience available in Japanese, English, Hindi, Tamil and many other languages.

Do you agree with the term Nepotism?

Yes, I support nepotism. It should be there. Nepotism is everywhere, even in our mythology, in our history, then why not in film industry?

In any other profession it is not frowned upon! If a farmer’s son becomes a farmer and his family or father helps him to grow then it is proud moment, but, only in film industry if Superstar’s son becomes a star, or gets a chance that seems easy (although reality is quite different) in film industry then everybody becomes jealous of his/her seemingly smooth entry as they can’t get the same so-called advantage.

So, people try to bully them and not accept him as an actor despite of their talent just on the excuse that he or she is an established star ‘s son/daughter and it is presumed without reasoning that the star kids are not talented, as apparently, they have not seen so called struggle in life to get that entry and they are dismissed without being given the opportunity to prove their worth as useless although in many cases their performance says otherwise.

Those who voice their opinion against Nepotism (not all) are probably jealous of others’ stardom that they don’t have. Nepotism is there and it does not necessarily mean that new comers will not get any chance, there is a system in place within the industry for them too to get opportunities provided they deserve it. If they can prove themselves then one day he or she may become a star, then they eventually get the love of audience. Now if that star eventually supports his/her child and nepotism continues, I see nothing wrong in this.

One who do not get smooth entry in film industry they should stay motivated from them who get the smooth entry, and work hard so that one day their way also will be created and they can give a healthy competition to the Star kids.

But for nothing if bullying the star kids continue on the pretext of Nepotism against the star kids, it only shows others the narrow mind set, negative mind set, jealous nature.

We Human are born as per their past karma; the star kid’s karma was probably good that’s why they get such lives although they face their own set of challenges.

By unnecessary bullying only negative energy gets encouraged, so it is my humble request to one and all that please don’t spoil your own karma, invest your time behind hard work and good work; to establish yourself and one day and after some years your kids will also be called by others as Star kids. It is a very simple philosophy that I adopt to. I believe that this is a cycle. One of the most important factors that supports Nepotism is ‘trust’. As film making is a high risk business there is a financer who is pumping in big amount of money in expectation of good returns on his investment .Someone else is acting in this film and someone else is making this film not only that ,there are many people work in a film unit like director,editor, sound director , D.O.P., Costume designer, Art Director, Sound Recordist, Fx, VFx, CGI, Promotion manager etc. Now if you are a known face in the industry then there is lot of benefits for others as it is a referral based industry due to the obvious high trust factor.People who are involved in making a film they can trust. For example, as in film making huge money is involved, now nobody would naturally be willing to bet large sums of money on a newcomer, as there is no guarantor for them. As the outcome is unsure in case of a newcomer and he/she may or may not talented or have the right attitude or patience or mindset or professionalism, but if that person comes in film industry(star kid) the least that can be expected that if he/she is given an opportunity they know that one project can be made in 1 year or it may take even 10 years also .But in most cases newcomers want instant stardom without putting in the years of struggle, the newcomer he comes from a different background the film maker or the financer cannot judge if the fresh face has the perseverance to go through the gruelling process that will extract every ounce of your physical, mental and emotional energy day after day for months and years. If that new comer who started the project but in between he/she refuses or don’t want to continue the project and just want to leave the project, just think what will happen to others? As film making is a team work. A lot of people’s livelihoods is involved in this profession. But for a star kid throwing such tantrums is almost not possible as he or she knows the process and has been a part of it all throughout their lives watching their parents. They learn the norms of the industry from childhood by law of nature. So, they will not leave a project(generally)because they know how much of struggle, efforts are involved in making of a project.

How challenging it is for a woman in the entertainment industry?

For a woman the very matter of day-to-day survival is a struggle in any field. It is uniquely challenging, just because she is a woman and in film industry people generally think that woman is available for all kinds of things, just because it is a show business and, in some films, women are highly objectified and the same image gets stereotyped into reality. Many people, even highly educated ones (not all) think that film industry means only party, drinking, womanizing and drugs! The entire industry is so wrongly portrayed (by some people, they probably wanted to show a part of film industry, but unfortunately public started thinking different way) that the comprehensive image of film industry is highly distorted and construed. But reality is quite the opposite. Here if we need to remain established, they need to work hard to get success, it will not come by doing magic. They also need to maintain high morality and ethical standards with quality like honesty ,integrity, morality, ethics, discipline in life ,in this glamour world actually glamour is the key word for those who are watching it from outside ,.not for the ones who are working here, If someone is working 17 /18 hrs per day , let it be a man or woman ,it is not possible to see glamour or anything .But people(some ) think that it is very easy to work in film industry ,this is full of fun enjoyment parties and entertainment in this industry. So, overcoming all those hurdles as a woman is not only tough, it is very tough to make people realise that we women are also working here in film industry with the same efforts sincerity. Actually, this is a mindset issue that may be only tackled with bringing in more awareness of our working conditions in the industry. So, change of other mind set is long process. But I hope with time people’s mind set will change and eventually they bound to give respect to a woman in every industry will get their due respect and recognition for their efforts.

Do you believe in spirituality?

Yes, I believe in spirituality, though previously I did not, but some incidents happened in my life and there was a time when I met a person for whom I understand what is spirituality. I am really thankful for that.

I believe in this and it helps me to know myself better. Spirituality gives me immense mental power, you can win over all negativities and become positive always which gives you pure joy.

Life for me is so beautiful and cherish able now that I know and I try to understand spirituality even more through my work.

Your thought on Modern Woman

Women are always modern in every era. Modern means I don’t mean half naked sexy girl. Modernism is defined by broadmindedness and bandwidth of ones thinking. In my opinion Shree Radhike of Dwapar yuga was modern, Mirabai, Rani Lakshmibai to Nita Ambani -all are only a few examples of modern women who as daughters of Mother India has made their country proud. All hardworking ladies in villages, towns and cities across the world they are modern.

Family Role in life

We are all part of our family ,in my personal and professional life my husband Prasenjit Dasgupta supports me unconditionally, nobody supports me this way ever ,though for my professional life ,I always concentrated on professional life and I feel guilty regarding that ,but it is my husband who used to tell me that you can’t balance both personal and professional life equally ,better I should concentrate on my professional life ,he will manage rest of that .My only son Khhhiisan Gaautam Dasgupta also very understanding nature and I have a group of friends they are my part of life . Without them I can’t even think of my life. I am grateful to all of them who accept me as I am, we have difference but no enmity ever.

What would you like to say to a woman who dreams of becoming like you?

I think every woman is unique, they have their own charm, still if someone dreams to be like me, they should copy my principal first, integrity, honesty, hardworking, helping others, keep away from negative people, when I understand that any harmful personal comes in to my aura – I simply just cut off such elements from my life permanently and focus on matters that brings me mental peace and gives me strength.

Who is your Perfect Woman and what did you learn from her?

Hindu Goddess Kali, inspires me, as she teaches us that never tolerate negativity from your life and stay away from them, and be positive always.

How you feel being the Cover Girl for” perfect woman “Special Top 15, Edition?

Amazing!!! Interestingly what I wish and fight for, I sometimes do not get that, but what I never thought that suddenly happens in my life.

In this process I understand that we get what we deserve, not what we want. I wanted to tell story only, just wanted to make films, web series etc that’s it, but I am here, people want to know my story.

I am the Story!!Destiny.

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