Mrs. Sushma

Mrs. Sushma Contestant Of “Perfect Mrs India” 2024 Season 7

Could you tell us something about you?
My name is Sushma which means sparkling beauty and my life embodies the essence of this name. I am 52 years old and reside in the vibrant city of Phagwara in Punjab. For the past 17yearsI have served as a government pharmacist. I am so in love with my job as it keeps me grounded while I work on my profound passion for fitness, dance and modelling all while I take care of my community. My job lets me serve the people around me and make me stand on a pedestal of responsibility. God has also blessed me with a loving family. I am the proud mother of two wonderful sons who bring immense joy to my life. My husband who is an architect, has always shown me support and strength both at my low and high points in life. My passions kept me physically active and also nurtured my creativity. In recent years, practising yoga and meditation has been a part of my daily routine, offering me inner peace. Dance for instance is a source of pure joy for me. My curiosity to learn new things brings out a unique part of me. I am always eager to expand my horizons. My life is a harmonious blend of work, family and personal passions.
Mrs. Sushma

What is self-harmony?
You would assume that as a 52-year-old young woman, Self-harmony is something I am familiar with but self-harmony is something I might still be craving for. It is referred to accepting yourself, the whole of you and having peace inside you but I am still in a fight with myself. It sometimes makes me wonder, who I am fighting. Is it my flaws or the piece of me that keeps questioning my worth?

Do you have any hidden talent?
Dancing is something I have been vocal about but one thing that I am good at but don’t talk about it much is acting. I have not learned to act professionally but I adore participating in skits even if I am offered small roles. I stepped into acting through dance. I feel like one thing that people might be obvious about is the fact that I can sketch. I like to dwell in it when I am alone with myself. Bringing my imagination on paper is a nice feeling altogether.
Mrs. Sushma

We humans, are always searching for happiness, can you say what real happiness is?
Happiness is an expression that comes under the broad spectrum of positiveness. Real happiness is when your soul and body are one, they are in sync. I find myself on that stage when I am dancing when I am on the dance floor. I let my mind speak and happiness dwells all over myself.

How Will You Use The Title Crown And Benefits If You Win “Perfect Mrs India” 2024 S7?
My top priority will be to motivate other women who have self-doubt. When I entered this entertainment world, I had very few people to look up to to move forward or to motivate myself, but now that I have achieved something I want to create an example for others and guide them even further than this.
Mrs. Sushma

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