Mrs. Asmita Joshi

Mrs. Asmita Joshi Finalist Of “Perfect Mrs India” 2023 Season 6

1.Your Birth Place
Panchvati, Nashik.
Mrs. Asmita Joshi

2.Earliest childhood Memory of Yours
There are lots of memories of my childhood but happiest memories are swimming in Ganga ghat, Daily going kapaleshwar mandir in the shravan month for 101 pradakshina and long hot summer holidays.
Mrs. Asmita Joshi

3.Your Strength And Weakness
About strength I am a hard worker, self-motivated and Do my responsibilities. My weakness is Being to honest.
Mrs. Asmita Joshi

4. Your Nickname
My Nick name is “AKKUU”
Mrs. Asmita Joshi

5.Your Bucket List
my Bucket list,
1.I want to secure future of my parents and In-law’s for their Old age.
2.I want to buy my Dream house.
Mrs. Asmita Joshi

6.Some Special Interior Design You want to For Your Home
When I purchase my new home, I wish to build big mandir of MAHADEV’S and create a kailaash maan Sarovar type interior.
Mrs. Asmita Joshi

7.Any Memories You Want To Share About Your (Grand Parents)
Yes, lots of memories with my grand mother (Nani) I was the dearest child to her in my all siblings. I was offered everything first from her then to others in the house.
Mrs. Asmita Joshi

8.Which One Thing From Your Parent You Learned Which Helped You A Lot In Life
My parents have enriched me with lots of discipline. They Always taught me to be an independent woman.
Mrs. Asmita Joshi

9.Any Famous Person In Your Family Tree
Yes, in my family tree famous person is My Husband. For his singing skills in Garba and bhajan kirtan’s.
Mrs. Asmita Joshi

10.Have This Question Ever Came In Your Mind Who Am I ? Elaborate
Yes, In childhood my Dream was stepping into the world of cinema, Now I got the chance so I don’t want to lose it. So I am very happy.
Mrs. Asmita Joshi

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