Mrs. Vidya Gadiwader

Life Lessons – Mrs. Vidya Gadiwader Finalist of “Perfect Mrs India” 2024 Season 7

1. Good things don’t come easy – To make it easy we have to see many ups and downs. A situation that teaches you, something useful about, how to live your life .You can’t always get what you want, but trying again and again to achieve ur dreams.Definitely it will come true once and make us feel proud of ourselves.

2. Don’t compare yourself with others because you are the best.Never to demotivate yourself, motivate yourself by saying positive, by thinking positive and by staying positive.

3. Always be willing to learn something new. Be brave and remember that hard times never last for long time.Motivate others with your good thoughts. And remember the best weapon is smile on your face in any situation. Which show your confidence on you.


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