Mrs. Preeti Mishra

Mrs. Preeti Mishra Contestant Of “Perfect Mrs India” 2024 Season 7

Tell us something About You?
I’m Preeti Mishra, a passionate individual with a zest for life. I believe in constantly learning and growing, and I strive to make a positive impact on the world around me.
Mrs. Preeti Mishra

What is Self-Harmony?
Self-harmony, to me, is about finding balance and alignment within myself – emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. It involves understanding and accepting who I am, cultivating inner peace, and living authentically.

Do You Have Any Hidden Talent?
One of my hidden talents is my ability to empathize deeply with others and offer support and guidance. I have a knack for understanding people’s emotions and perspectives, which allows me to connect with them on a meaningful level.
Mrs. Preeti Mishra

We Humans, are Always In Search of Happiness, Can You Say What Is Real Happiness Is?
Real happiness, for me, is found in moments of connection, personal growth, and making a difference in the lives of others. It’s about cherishing the present moment, cultivating gratitude, and pursuing passions that bring joy and fulfilment.

How will you use the Title crown and Benefits if You win “Perfect Mrs India” 2024 S7?
If I were to win the title “Perfect Mrs India” 2024 S7, I would use the platform and benefits to advocate for causes close to my heart, such as women’s empowerment, mental health awareness, and environmental sustainability. I would also strive to be a role model for other women, inspiring them to embrace their uniqueness, pursue their dreams, and make a positive impact in their communities.
Mrs. Preeti Mishra

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