Mrs. Shobhana Nair Contestant Of Perfect Mrs India 2023, Season 6

Tell Us Something About You.
Hello everyone ! I am a Homoeopathic Doctor by Profession and also present and give lectures on Studying for board exams helping for Stress in children and Working Individuals, Right diet for children and Adults!
Mrs. Shobhana Nair

What is self-harmony?
Harmony in very simple words can be said as “Something which merges or becomes one with something else smoothly and efficiently, enhancing it in the process!” So Self Harmony is when oneself utilizes all the capabilities and qualities they are blessed with to do things which they want in such a way that it brings happiness and joy to themselves without causing damage or trouble to anything or anyone around!

Do you have any hidden talent?
According to me every one has hidden talent ! And as they are hidden one of the most important things in life that we do knowingly and unknowingly is find these hidden talents in ourselves ! I have found few and many are yet to be found! So above given is one of my hidden talent! I can explain things in a way that everyone can understand! This talent was found with the help of all who heard me well.
Mrs. Shobhana Nair

We humans, are always in search of happiness, can you say what real happiness is?
Happiness is like food! Everyone one wants food but each one’s need taste is different! Sometimes one person’s favourite food may be differ to other person. There are days when you may not enjoy your favourite food and there may be days when you may relish something you don’t like! So like food happiness too is a variable and very very individual! Each one should learn to be Happy with whatever, whenever, wherever and most importantly forever! That happens only when you have appreciation and gratitude for everything in your life. So! In a nutshell happiness is that moment when you feel perfect without the willingness of anything more! This feeling is very short-lived but the memory of this feeling lives in our minds for a long time and sometimes forever!

How Will You Use The Title Crown And Benefits If You Win “Perfect Mrs India” 2023 S6?
Winning is affirmation of your efforts! So on winning I will use it to Promote a healthy and Happier Life !
I will also work for re-explaining ” Sarve Sukhinabhavantu” as it is the key to Happiness! You can be happy only and only if everything (plants, animals) and everyone around you are Happy!
Work for understanding education and applying it in your daily life!
Learn to be responsible for the responsibilities you accept in every situation good or adverse bring it to it’s completion!
And last but not the least; We are women and blessed with a special
gift called “Compassion” I would like to encourage women to use it impartially and unabashedly for the good in every situation!
Mrs. Shobhana Nair

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