Kulwantkaur Gulati

Mrs. Kulwantkaur Gulati Finalist Of “Perfect Mrs India” 2023 Season 6

1. Your Birth Place
Kulwantkaur Gulati

2. Earliest Childhood memory-
We do experience zillions of things from our childhood til presence, but hardly we recall everything except few like it can be “first time” (our first ice cream, our first day at
school), or significant life events (the birth of a sibling, moving house). Others are surprisingly trivial.
Preadolescence is one of the most important aspects of human lives and also other living beings earth. Every life on passes through this prime stage that later reach to puberty. Child hood is the moment enjoyed with joy and innocence, that is free from all complexities and tension of life. It is the time when a child grow up. My best memory is Playing with my puppies that I had when I was 4. I loved them a lot. They were my best friends. They were indie dogs , my dad use to bring them daily for me to play with them and at night they return to their mom. It was such a beautiful moment and feeling that can’t be expressed into words.
Kulwantkaur Gulati

3. Your Strength And Weakness
Strength of mine is my family which I love the most and my weakness is that I procrastinate a lot if I don’t want to learn something but when I really want to do it. I take any available opportunities.
Kulwantkaur Gulati

4. Your Nickname
My Nickname is SONIYA which means wisdom or the colour Golden.
Kulwantkaur Gulati

5. Your Bucket List
My Bucket List –
I would like to travel around the world with a few special countries like – Germany, Italy, Europe, United Kingdom and many more. My dream places.
Kulwantkaur Gulati

6. Some Special Interior Design You want to For Your Home
Some special interior design I want for my home is- When I enter I would like to have a path way approx. 50 feet in length and 7-8 feet in width. With portraits of God on both sides. Secondly the first room on my right side would be a worshiping room. Inside my living room I would like to have a glass stand in which I would keep all my life long earned certificates and awards.
Kulwantkaur Gulati

7. Any Memories You Want To Share About Your (Grand Parents)
About My Grandparents – I used to take my maternal grandfather on a walk daily because he was old enough and was suffering from a few illnesses at that time. We used to have a lots of fun walking around the park daily watching the sun set and then later have an Ice cream on our way back home. I miss My Nanu.
Kulwantkaur Gulati

8. Which One Thing From Your Parent You Learned Which Helped You A Lot In Life
One thing I learnt from My Parents which helped me a lot in My Life –
That no matter what goes on in your life never stop believing In God because he is the only one who will give you challenges to face and become stronger and also help you in crucial times. From my mother I learnt that no matter what happens never give up. Keep on going until and unless you succeed in life because consistency is the key to everything.
Kulwantkaur Gulati

9. Any Famous Person In Your Family Tree
The Famous Person of My Life –
The Famous and my inspiration person of my life is My sister and her husband who together own a college of hotel management. My sister has won a title in a beauty pageant after marriage which motivates me a lot. I have learnt lot of things from her and my Jiju is my inspiration.
Kulwantkaur Gulati

10. Have This Question Ever Came In Your Mind Who Am I? Elaborate
I am certainly sure that this question has not come to my mind until today because I believe I am what I think I am. If I think that I am a superhero I believe I am a superhero and try to help people around me. I know myself through my thoughts. I regard myself through my thoughts. And I also know my worth and capabilities. So i never thought of this “who am I?”
Kulwantkaur Gulati

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